Institut für Feinwerktechnik und
Die Feinwerktechnik, häufig auch als Gerätetechnik bezeichnet,
kann als Verschmelzung der Feinmechanik und Elektrotechnik/
Elektronik mit der Informatik und der Optik verstanden
werden. Dabei kommt dem Trend zur Miniaturisierung große
Bedeutung zu, weshalb man zunehmend von Mikro- und
Feinwerktechnik spricht. Das Entwickeln innovativer Aktoren
und Antriebe, das Einbetten neuer sensorischer Lösungen in
komplexe feinwerktechnische Konstruktionen unter Nutzung
modernster Werkstoffe und Verfahren, das Nutzen
fortschrittlichster Simulationstechniken, wie 3D-CAD, FEM,
dynamische Simulationen usw., sind typische Arbeitsfelder
eines Ingenieurs der Spezialisierung "Feinwerk- und

Die ITI GmbH ist ein international agierender CAE-Spezialist für das Virtual System Engineering. Zum Leistungsspektrum des Dresdner Unternehmens gehört die Entwicklung von Standard-Simulationstools für Ingenieure und Wissenschaftler. Hierbei steht das Berechnen, Simulieren und Optimieren des dynamischen Verhaltens technischer Systeme im Vordergrund. Die ITI-Programmsysteme werden vor allem in der Antriebs-, Fahrzeug- und Fluidtechnik, sowie im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau eingesetzt.
ITI bietet darüber hinaus projektbezogene Dienstleistungen im Programmier- und Ingenieurbereich an. Zum weltweiten Klientel zählen über
600 Kunden verschiedenster Industriebranchen. Die Anwender der ITI-Simulationssoftware profitieren vom ITI-Know-how, Projekterfahrungen und interdisziplinärer Entwicklungskompetenz.

www.maplesoft.com |
Maplesoft Inc.
Maplesoft, a subsidiary of Cybernet Systems Co. Ltd. in Japan, is the leading provider of high-performance software tools for engineering, science, and mathematics. Its product suite reflects the philosophy that given great tools, people can do great things.
Maplesoft’s core technologies include the world’s most advanced symbolic computation engine and revolutionary physical modeling techniques. Combined together, these technologies enable the creation of cutting-edge tools for design, modeling, and high-performance simulation.
Engineers, scientists, and mathematicians use Maplesoft products to enable them to work better, faster, and smarter. The Maplesoft product suite includes Maple™, the technical computing and documentation environment, and MapleSim™,
the high-performance, multi-domain modeling and simulation
tool for physical systems. Maplesoft also introduced a fundamental shift in technical education through its Clickable Math™ and Clickable Engineering™ initiatives which deliver powerful mathematics through visual, interactive point-and-click methods. The idea behind this shift is to create technology that will allow students and teachers to focus on the concepts, not the tool.

www.cst.com |
CST Computer Simulation Technology
CST develops and markets high performance software for the simulation of electromagnetic fields in all frequency bands.
Its success is based on the implementation of leading edge technology in a user-friendly interface.
CST’s customers are market leaders in industries as diverse as Telecommunications, Defense, Automotive, Electronics, and Medical Equipment. Today CST employs 190 sales, development, and support personnel, and enjoys a leading position in the high frequency 3D EM simulation market.

Dassault Systèmes SOLIDWORKS Corp.
Dassault Systèmes SOLIDWORKS Corp. offers complete 3D software tools that let you
create, simulate, publish, and manage your data. SOLIDWORKS
products are easy to learn and use, and work together to
help you design products better, faster, and more
cost-effectively. The SOLIDWORKS focus on ease-of-use allows
more engineers, designers and other technology professionals
than ever before to take advantage of 3D in bringing their
designs to life.

Mechanical Simulation Corp.
Mechanical Simulation Corporation is the world leader in the development and distribution
of advanced software used to simulate vehicle behavior involving interactions between the 3D dynamic
vehicle response, advanced, controllers, driver controls, and 3D roads. Established in 1996,
Mechanical Simulation provides car, truck and motorcycle simulation packages, training and ongoing
support worldwide to more than 110 OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers, and over 200 universities and government
research groups. MS also provide the vehicle dynamics models used in more than 1400 driving simulators.
The Ann Arbor, Michigan, headquarters coordinates with global sales agents who provide local distribution
and tech support for the software.